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박상태 7 1,287 2006.05.18 20:27
적외선으로 검란을 해준다네요..ㅎㅎㅎ

포란후 5일째에 사용할 수 있는데... 알껍질이 두껍거나 알 색깔이 짙을 경우 사용할 수 있고...
빛으로 검란하는 경우 생길 수 있는 열로 인한 알의 손상을 막아준다고 써있는데...

또 부화일이 되었는데 부화가 되지 않아 플로팅 테스트(따듯한 물에 띄워서 살아있는지 확인하는 것)를 할 경우 발생할 수 있는 감염을 막아주면서 알 속의 새끼의 심장 박동수를 보여준답니다.

카나리아 키우는 사람들에게는 필요가 없는 것으로 사료됩니다.ㅎㅎㅎ

하지만 재미있는 정보라 퍼왔습니다.^^


The worlds first digital egg monitor for birds and reptiles

<img src='../data/imagebox/544/3696021894_wxeN5Qin_eeaf5ece670580bed5db56fbf77b875d4d1dceba.jpg' align='' width='475' height='300' vspace='0' hspace='0' border='1'>

During the incubation of any egg (whether it be artificial or parent) if we get a chance to have a peek for fertility…. We will. The "Candle" method has been a tried and tested method to see those initial signs of life at around a week of incubation, and there will always be a use for candling to show vein growth etc. However, it is quite possible that in some cases when trying to get a clear picture of embryonic development that the breeder overstays his or her inspection time causing heat damage to the embryo. Thick or dark colored eggshells can also be very difficult or even impossible to candle. When all eggs reach the mid to latter stages in development a well-tried method for checking for egg viability is to float the egg in warm water, and wait to see if it moves! However, recent research has shown that this method maybe detrimental to the chick, as the egg may become saturated with water. Susceptibility to harmful bacteria, which are sucked in through the pores of the shell and pass through the membrane may also cause problems. How many times have we all thought "is it still alive?" Indeed there have been many bird and reptile breeders who have mistakenly thought that "it must be dead, because it should have hatched yesterday." So the egg is opened, only to find the chick was still alive and is now well and truly dead. Disaster!

During the last 4 years we have been working at taking the guesswork out of incubation. After an enormous amount of work and research we are pleased to announce the arrival of Buddy, the first digital egg monitor in the world. Using infrared transmitters and sensors Buddy is capable of amplifying the cardiovascular signal of an embryo with in the egg by as much as 20,000 times. This allows you to detect the actual heartbeat of the embryo as early as 5 days after incubation has started. Simply place the egg on the sensor pad at the bottom of the egg compartment, close the lid and press the "on" button. You will instantly be given information from the onboard screen via a flashing heart, Pulse readout, and three-digit heart rate. (You will be amazed how rapid a chick's heart beats)! The monitor will also indicate movement of the chick with in the egg. When the chick settles the readout reverts back to heart rate. If the chick is not alive Buddy will let you know, showing a black still heart, a flat Pulse line and zero heart rate readout. Buddy is mains or battery operated so can be taken out to your aviary to check any egg, or if your work is in the field of conservation, you can take Buddy anywhere you go, even up the tallest of the Rain-forest trees or the most remote island! You will wonder how you ever got by in the past without your Buddy!!

Step I

<img src='../data/imagebox/544/3696021894_VBg18vku_eeaf5ece670580bed5db56fbf77b875d4d1dceba.jpg' align='' width='300' height='231' vspace='0' hspace='0' border='1'>

Simply open the lid of your buddy and gently place the egg side ways onto the sensor pad and close the lid. . .

Step II

<img src='../data/imagebox/544/3696021894_SLdhTfzV_5410857f8022e282e8806c7253f1da72422b11f8.jpg' align='' width='300' height='225' vspace='0' hspace='0' border='1'>

Once the lid is closed press the "Red" button on your Buddy. After a few seconds the onboard screen will display the heart rate inside the egg.

It really is that easy.

When the display shows a flashing heart, this indicates the detection of a heart beat. The three digit number represents the pulse rate of the chick

Cost is $275.00

For More information Contact us at:

In the U.S. at 800-514-9672
out side the U.S. at 850-386-1145
e-mail us at buddy@avianbiotech.com


정연석 2006.05.18 21:08
  심장박동수가 237 인걸 보니, 알이 놀랬나 봅니다...^^
박재형 2006.05.18 22:46
  좋은 자료 입니다, 계란 검란도 가능 하겠네요? 별게 다 나옵니다,
김혁준 2006.05.19 00:03
  멋지네요.. 그런데 너무 비싼게 흠이네요..
나윤희 2006.05.19 07:39
  알도 놀란다? 가능한 얘기인것 같으면서 그것참~~~ 신기하네요~ ㅋ
전정희 2006.05.19 07:56
  제 뱃속도 검사 가능할까요?
검란은 아니고.. 뭐라고 해야하나요?
박상태 2006.05.19 09:01
  전정희님, 가까운 병원을 찾으셔서 초음파 검사를 받으시지요.ㅎㅎㅎ
김현경 2006.05.19 22:17
  세상엔 참 우리가 모르는 신기한게 많네요..^^
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